
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Back to School is Creeping in!

I have been working on some classroom projects throughout the summer and want to start sharing! I have been putting together treat bags for my new first graders. All you need to do is fill a small baggie with Starburst candies and add the label. It is available in my TPT store.

I have also been working hard on classroom decor! I changed my CHAMPS display cards and have also listed them in my TPT shop. 

I will be back soon to continue sharing my classroom, creations, and ideas as the school year begins!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Taking The Plunge!

I am taking the leap into the world of teacher blogging! I thought about it and talked about it, but I was never quite ready to do it until I met so many amazing blogging teachers at the SDE Las Vegas teacher blogger meet-up and realized I wanted to be apart of this too. As summer winds down I am excited to start sharing my ideas and classroom happenings.